Terms of Use
1. General
The conditions set out below apply to the Caviar website.
By visiting and using our website, you expressly acknowledge and accept these terms of use. You also agree to adhere to these terms of use. Caviar reserves the right to change these terms of use. When using our website, you will therefore regularly take note of, and read, our terms of use.
2. Limitation of liability
All information shown and displayed on our website, as well as all other relevant information and auxiliary tools on the website, are for informational purposes only and cannot therefore be considered as personal, financial, investment, professional or legal advice to the visitor or customer. They only serve to inform you as visitor of the website. Please contact Caviar for personalized advice based on your specific situation.
Caviar makes every effort to ensure that the information provided is complete, correct, accurate and updated. However, no guarantee is given as to the correctness, completeness, reliability and suitability of this information. The visitor or customer therefore acknowledges that Caviar cannot be held responsible for any errors and/or mistakes regarding this information, nor the information provided to the visitor or customer after a referral to third parties via the Caviar website. Referring to third parties is purely informative. The use of the website is at the risk of the visitor.
The Caviar website may contain links to websites that are managed by third parties or contain information posted by third parties. These links and information are solely for informative purposes to the visitor of this website. Caviar does not check nor review this information and websites (and the information on them) for content. It cannot be held responsible for the content or quality of these websites or information from third parties. A link does not necessarily imply that Caviar and the operators of these other websites collaborate in any way.
Caviar cannot be held liable, neither legally nor contractually, for any damage that may be incurred as a result of the use of the website and/or its content. If you should find inaccuracies in the information made available via the website, you can always contact Caviar. The content of the website (including links) can be adapted, changed or supplemented at any time without notice or notification. Caviar can also in no way be held responsible for any decision or action that you as a visitor to the website may have taken on the basis of the information shown or all other elements of the website.
3. Intellectual Property rights
All intellectual rights with regard to the website, the content, the data and its displayed form, as well as with regard to the information, brands, logos and images, which appear on it, belong to Caviar and/or to third parties, who have granted a right of use or any other rights to Caviar. Access and use of the website never means that any intellectual right is transferred to the visitor or customer. Consequently, the visitor or customer is prohibited from copying or using, in whatever way possible, the website and its documentation and information, as well as all other elements that can be found on it, in whole or in part, unless for strictly personal and non-commercial purposes (e.g. for printing the data). In addition, the visitor or customer is prohibited from distributing, transferring or selling this information and/or documents, or exploit them in any other way.
4. Privacy Policy
Caviar applies a Privacy Policy regarding the processing of your personal data. You can find this policy via the following links:
You acknowledge that you have read this policy in advance, and that you accept our policy before continuing to use our website.
5. Cookie Policy
Caviar uses a Cookie Policy. You can find this policy by clicking here.
You acknowledge that you have read this policy in advance, and that you accept our policy before continuing to use our website.
6. Applicable law and competent court
Belgian law applies to this website and the information provided by Caviar. In the event of a dispute, the commercial courts of Brussels (Belgium) have exclusive jurisdiction.
7. Contact
You may contact us on the following e-mail address:
8. Unsolicited Submission Policy
As a general policy, CAVIAR does not accept unsolicited material that is not represented by a reputable agent, agency, manager, producer, entertainment lawyer, production company, studio, or known associate. Any unsolicited materials, including ideas, pitches, outlines, scripts, treatments, etc. (“Materials”), will be discarded or returned and will not be read unless you are invited to submit Materials pursuant to receipt and execution of CAVIAR’s submission release form. The purpose of this policy is to avoid any potential misunderstandings if your original work seems similar to any CAVIAR works since many works and submissions are based on the same or similar ideas. Please note, if you choose to disregard this policy and submit Materials regardless, you acknowledge that you have read the Policy and understand that by making such a submission, you understand that CAVIAR, and its affiliates, has no obligation to you or your submission and that you have no claim whatsoever based on such submission.
9. Opposition to Text and Data Mining by Artificial Intelligence
The structure of this Site, as well as all the audiovisual works and content present on the Site, and all their components (text, graphics, signs, signals, sounds, images, etc.) are protected by intellectual property legislation and may not be used in any way without the prior written authorization of CAVIAR.
Insofar as necessary, the CAVIAR company hereby objects to any copies or digital reproductions of these audiovisual works, content and/or any of their components protected by copyright (text, graphics, signs, signals, sounds, images, etc.. ) with a view to text and data mining, in particular by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system, within the meaning of Articles L. 122-5-3, III and L. 211-3, 8° of the Intellectual Property Code (CPI) transposing Directive (EU) 2019/790 of April 17, 2019 on copyright and related rights in the digital single market.
Article R. 122-28 of the CPI stipulates that such opposition “need not be reasoned and may be expressed by any means. In the case of content made available to the public online, such opposition may in particular be expressed by means of machine-readable processes, including metadata, and by recourse to the general conditions of use of a website or service”.
CAVIAR may authorize its co-contractors and/or online press services to use the audiovisual works, content and/or any of their components protected by copyright (text, graphics, signs, signals, sounds, images, etc.) present on the Site, to the extent strictly necessary for the authorized use. However, these authorizations do not allow these co-contractors and/or online press services to make copies or digital reproductions of these works/content and/or their components with a view to text and data mining, nor to authorize a third party to do so, in particular an AI system.
Consequently, all text and data mining operations by an AI system using audiovisual works, content and/or any of their components protected by copyright (text, graphics, signs, signals, sounds, images, etc.. ) presented or made available to the public online on this Site or by third parties, whether this provision is made by excerpts or in full, in free access for free or for a fee, constitute acts of counterfeiting, punishable by the penalties provided for in Articles L. 331-1 et seq. of the CPI, unless obtaining prior written consent from the company CAVIAR (or, where appropriate, the collective management organization to which the company CAVIAR has expressly mandated for this purpose).
To make it easier to read this right of opposition by machine or any automated data collection device, this opposition is also expressed as follows: < TDM-RESERVATION: 1> or TDM: NO