
MAMA is not just two grown men with a female sounding name that confuses most people. MAMA is an idea that transcends names and grown men. To be in its presence is to eat the finest of breakfast burritos while simultaneously laughing so hard you get a bit of indigestion but you don’t care because for the first time in a long time you feel alive! You stand up and rush out of video village to hug your MAMA. You’re so excited that you don’t realize they’re rolling and you ruin the shot, but that’s okay. These things happen when you get a taste of the MAMA. After you’ve hugged them, you sit back down and you have to wonder what it is about MAMA that makes you feel so alive? Is it that the MAMA men were once boys, who both grew up on making funny things in video format that evoked literal spit takes from anyone who watched them? Is it that they both have blown shit up, worked with bear trainers, and wrote a spot about a strange zombie, ghost dog while they worked in the advertising industry? Is it because when you’re feeling a little sad, you watch their reel and are swept away by the dark, absurdist humor they’ve captured through a cinematic lens? Did you just call it a cinematic lens? That’s a little hoity toity but you’re not wrong and, yes, they are good at making dumb things look beautiful. Is it that you saw one of their music videos and realized that when unconstrained by the shackles of broadcast guidelines, aspect ratios, and really really short social content that things get even funnier and more beautiful? Is it that you found out that they’re moving into the narrative space and that the MAMA you know now will still be here but the things they make will be bigger, laughier, cinematic-ier and they might even end up shooting Jurassic Park 9: Dinosaurs in Space, Return of the Ankylosaurus? Then they’ll realize that it’s hard to jam their vision into a CG space story about dinosaurs and they’ll write and direct their own feature, bursting open not only their own souls but also yours and anyone else who lays their eyeballs on it? Are you wondering how you know so much about MAMA when you didn’t write this and it’s written as if they didn’t write it but you are still along for the ride? That’s MAMA for you. Is it that you’re saying this loudly out loud to yourself in video village and yet again you’ve ruined another shot? It’s really okay. But try to calm down, enjoy the show. And if you’re not in video village you are probably wishing you were there, with a breakfast burrito, laughing bits of it out of your nose, because MAMA wishes they were there with you too. Just remember to wait until they’re not rolling to give MAMA a hug.